If we turn the clock back

No matter how many years have passed yet the weigh on our conscience has set in. The tragedy which was taken place on December, 16, 2014.Again the mournful and crestfallen December arrived with the memories and echoes of those victims. This terrorist’sattack madethe incurable loss in the history of Pakistan. Youth are the asset of any nation. The glowing tribute has been paying to all the martyrs of the Army Public School Peshawar since 2014 till the day and further on in future as well. The blood of all martyrs will not go otiose. It was the worst time our nation has faced and will never forget yet this soul-shattering incident could deter our youth from pursuing their aims. They are determined and they make such an éclat in the field of education. The moxie of the students and their parents are appreciated. DEC 16 reminds us of the attack on APS in which 142 people lost their lives, among them 132 were innocent children. The mothers of these martyrs deserve the salute of whole the nation as they sacrifice their blooming buds in the very age of prime. Whether their children are not in this world but remember, MARTYRS WILL NEVER DIE. THEY ARE ALIVE BUT OUR EYES DO NOT HAVE THE PROWESS TO SEE. They are the true face and pride of our brave nation. Long live Pakistan.
The world is full of sorrows,
No one is here to borrow…
The waxing and waning of moon…
Chop our heart with hewn…
The tragedy has fallen ago
Yet its pain is fresh to show.